A Book Review: Money Making Mom by Crystal Paine

Name of Book: Money-Making Mom: How Every Woman Can Earn More and Make a Difference
Crystal Paine (blogger at Money Saving Mom.)

A book review, The Money Making Mom
Image used from Amazon.com

Why I decided to read this book: I decided to randomly tune in to one of Crystal Paine’s evening Periscopes. She mentioned that her new book was available for $2.99 in the Kindle version on Amazon. She said this was the lowest price she had seen yet. One of my goals for 2016 was to read more books. My husband happily bought it and downloaded it for me to read while I nurse our baby. I finished it over the course of three days.

Who do I recommend to read this book: Anyone and everyone. The book is specifically geared to moms who want to make money. BUT, I told my husband I want him to read it. This was an excellent book and I think it is very very very inspiring!

I also told my sister she needs to read it. She has made mention before that she has no marketable skills or specific talent she can use to make money. This book essentially tells you that you do have skills, knowledge, and talents. You may need to develop them, but you can do something, and you can do it well.

Crystal says, ‘I was good at a lot of different things but didn’t feel I had one particular outstanding talent or exceptional know-how that I could turn into profit.’

My biggest take away from the book: Crystal Paine gives a refreshing definition of financial freedom. She says, ‘One of our greatest desires should be to live willingly and gladly give of our best for others. Holding nothing back. And when our days come to a close, we should be able to say without regret that we used everything we were given – for others.’

Crystal eloquently reminded me that it’s okay to make money…and to make lots of money. Where we decide to use that money is what will ultimately bring us joy (or no joy.)

The Money Making Mom, a book review, by Crystal Paine. Is it worth reading.

What I think the author wanted me to take away from the book: I think Crystal wants every mom to find where her ‘skills, talents, passions, and knowledge’ collide. If you want to make money, find where these four things meet, and grow your business.

Crystal offers every mom who reads her book encouragement and hope. She also offers no excuse to give up and stop trying.

My favorite aspect(s) about this book: Crystal reignited some lost passion in me. She reminded me of some things I know I can do well, and she told me I can use those things to serve others.

She also shared about some of her failures, and she said ‘building something from scratch is usually a lot harder and a lot less successful than we plan or hope for.’ Crystal reminded me that all the hard times are results of progress and growth.

I also liked that Crystal shared some personal stories and history that she’s never shared (that I know of) on her blog. I learned more about her and saw more of her lovely character. She continues to amaze me with her humility.

Quote by Crystal Paine. Complacency. Book review of the Money Making Mom.

My least favorite aspect about this book: Crystal is a highly successful entrepreneur and blogger. She has put in years and years of hard work to create her business. Sometimes it’s hard for me to swallow the thought of how long it may take to grow and create a successful business.

Any additional thoughts: Money Making Mom was a highly engaging book for me. I didn’t want to put it down. I wanted to keep reading even when I knew I had others tasks I should be doing. This doesn’t usually happen for me unless I am reading a novel. The book was clear and concise. I was never bored reading it. I learned so much from Crystal. She has years of experience under her belt and has turned that experience into great wisdom and discernment for the rest of us.

I highlighted a LOT in this book, and I feel I should just read it a second time knowing I will glean a bit more the second time through.

Truly, this is an excellent book written for any mom who finds herself in a place of complacency, discouragement, discontentment, or financial hardship. I guarantee your perspective will shift after reading Crystal’s book.

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